I have been blog slacking this week...I have about three posts almost written, but not quite ready to publish...so stay tuned. Maybe tomorrow?
On with the main act...the questions. You know the drill, and if you don't you really should stop living under that rock :) Mama M hosts a fun blog hop every week...Five question Friday. After you finish reading here, go over to her blog and check her out!

1. Do you sing karaoke? If so, what is your go to song?
Yes and No. I have sung karaoke in the past...I will never sing karaoke again. I am not good. And I was slightly inebriated when I sang in the past. Cap'N Crunch was so lucky to have experienced my attempts at entertaining a bar full of intoxicated people...Ah. Memories. Never. Again! EVER.
And I certainly will never tell that my song of choice was Madonna's Like a Virgin. Seriously, who would admit that on a family blog...to a handful of people? Certainly not me.
2. What is your favorite coffee drink?
Blah. Gag. Barf. Can you tell that I do NOT like coffee drinks? I have, on occasion, had a cup of coffee, but not really my cup of tea...I don't like tea either...unless it's cold with lots of sugar! Coke is my beverage of choice....just FYI.
3. If you could choose your own name, what would it be?
I did choose my own name.
Fruit Loop!
Oh, you're talking about my real name? Well, I like my name...it's not very common...but if I was changing it I would change it to Jillian...not very different, just a little.
4. Were you ever bullied?
There was this one time....
We were living in California. I was in sixth grade (maybe fifth?). A girl wanted my lunch. She was older and MEAN. I was not going to give her my lunch. I was not very brave...but I knew I was not going to give in.
So, I hid. Yes, you heard me...I hid. In the bathroom. Until lunch was over. I got in trouble for being late to class.
The girl didn't bother me again and we moved shortly after that...
5. How often do you eat fast food?
Too often.
Trying to get better.
Need a fast food, drive-thru, healthy place....why doesn't subway have a drive-thru window? Or like a Sonic-style place with ALL healthy food?
I did see on Food Network the other day that there is a cereal restaurant...I forgot the name of it...but you can mix and match any kind of cereal and add toppings to it! I am going to have to look into this more!

I think pretty much EVERYtime I am trying to figure out where to stop for food on the go, I ask myself, "Why can't Subway have a drive-thru?!". There's one in Port Royal, SC that actually has a drive-thru, so why can't they all?!
ReplyDeleteOh and I saw that on Food Network too! Kinda the Coldstone/Marble Slab/Maggie Moo's Creamer of the cereal variety! So wish they had one near me...
Just had to comment! ^_^
(Found ya from the Five Question Friday Link Up)
Stop by and visit sometime! :o)