Here's how it works...she picks the questions (with a little help from her readers) and then she answers them and invites us to do the same. It's fun, easy, and a great way to share silly things that we probably wouldn't otherwise think to share!
Numero Uno....What's your "Comfort Food"?
Have you seen my blog!?!?!?! Cereal, duh! Well, cereal and ice cream...seperately they are both fantastic, but together....oh, yummy! One of my favorite combinations is Cap'N Crunch with vanilla ice cream. Maybe you should try it...but I won't be held responsible for the addiction that forms...sorry :)
Dos...Do you send "thank-you's" (handwritten or email)?
If I could just change one word...send to write...then I would say YES! But since you just had to ask, "Do you send "thank-you's"?" I have to say...sometimes. You see, I am a procrastinator. It somehow always means that my packages/letters will be late. I have accepted it. I try to correct it, but it seems like with every child I have it gets worse. I know what you're thinking..."Oh, sure blame your sweet, innocent, beautiful, silly girls. How could you?" And I will say to you...I'm not blaming them for the problem...I'm just saying the problem seems to get worse with every addition to my sweet, little family. I could go on and on, and maybe I will another day, but I have things to procrastinate on today! hee hee
Tres...If you had to be trapped in a TV show for a month, which show would you choose?
Hands down....CLEAN HOUSE! Nicey Nash, Trish Surh, Matt Iseman, and Mark Brunetz ( I probably mispelled a name, sorry peeps!) My dream job is to clean out people's houses...not dirty houses really, just cluttered houses, and organize and redesign them. If you've been to my house - you know that I have my fair shar of clutter (I have two munchkins...yes, here I go blaming those sweet girls again :), but I love to move it around and organize it. And there is nothing more satisfying than a garage sale...or garbage sale as my dad calls it :) How fun is it to make money from things that you no longer need. I am totally GREEN! (Can't you just let me think I'm Green?! Please?)
Four...(My spanish runs out at three!)...What is your favorite online recipe source?
Bakerella is fantastic! She has some yummy treats on her blog. Warning....don't go to her blog unless you want to gain the Bakerella fifteen. Don't say I didn't warn you!
Five...If you had to choose: "Friends" or "Seinfeld"?
No competition....Friends. Courtney Cox's character is my favorite. (BTW - have you seen Cougar Town? Seriously funny! Wednesday'll thank me.)
So, that's it! Wasn't that fun? Well, I had fun! No need to let me know if you didn't. If you don't have a blog, you can answer the questions in the comments of this post! Happy Friday...have a great weekend.

Sending IS always more difficult than the writing. Take it from a mom with teenagers - no excuses left here. :)
ReplyDeleteFun! Your answers put a smile on my face.
ReplyDeleteI've only seen "Clean House" a few times, but I think that's probably the answer my mom would give for this question. She loves watching those crazy people cling like mad to old ugly pieces of furniture and the old boxing bag they've had forever but don't use.
Confessions From A Working Mom
Really? You heart me?!! Wow, thank you!! And, ah...I will hold you responsible for any ice cream/Cap 'N Crunch addictions...that sounds yum!!
ReplyDeleteI love organizing too! I was just telling Mike last week I wish I could figure out how to make a career of it. I get such satisfaction from organizing closets and toys! Maybe I need to get a job installing elfas for The Container Store!