I took 488 photos (WOW!) then I narrowed it down to 66. That still seemed like a bunch of photos. I tried to narrow it down some more this is what I ended up with - these are my favorites :-)
Cap'N Crunch, Aunt D, and Cheerio hanging out in the kiddie pool.
T and Cocoa Puff playing under the mushroom water fall!
Cheerio and T going down the slide
Cheerio loves going down the slide with T.
Cocoa Puff likes going down the slide by herself, but she loves T!
T playing at the park while waiting for dinner. Of course we took the L's to our favorite picnic spot!
This girl sure can make some funny faces!
Cheerio learned how to make faces from this girl...my Cocoa Puff! Silly girl :-)
More Peek-a-boo....
And one more Peek-a-boo
T being silly
Uncle Cap'N Crunch and T taking a walk.
Uh oh! Someone is getting in trouble for not wanting his photo taken. Uncle J does not like having his photo taken. (He wouldn't last in my family)
Notice the smile on Uncle T - oops, there isn't one....but at least he sat still for the photo with Aunt D and Cheerio.
I know this photo is blurry/fuzzy, but I really love it! Two big boys holding hands with my sweet Cheerio!
The Alamo...beautiful photo opportunities!
Ooops! Not everyone is looking, but doesn't Cheerio look cute?
Hmm? What's in here Dad?
Me getting ready to take a photo with my girls....Cap'N Crunch thought he was being funny taking one of me by myself...
And the girls! I wish I had taken my sunglasses off.
Again with the sunglasses! But I do love this family photo!
The L's with Cocoa Puff and Cheerio
The L's...I love this photo...Christmas card photo - hint, hint!
Cocoa Puff....don't ya just want to kiss her? Maybe it's just me!
I don't know what it is about photos from behind of Daddy holding hands with one of his girls, but I really love it!
I couldn't get everyone to look...but at least everyone is in the photo
Cheerio running away from her Mommy!
"I'm going to get you!"
I can't resist a beautiful scenery photo
I love this one!
They all look sweet, if only they were all looking at me.
I told Cap'N Crunch to give Uncle J a big kiss...
Uncle J didn't like that idea :-)
T giving Cheerio a ride....Mommy was a little nervous. That's why Cap'N Crunch was standing right behind them!
Make a wish
Brother and Sister with my girls!
Sweet love!
Lunch at yummy Papasitos!
Tickle time!
Bath time with Aunt D
These were the highlight of the day!
I told them to pretend they liked each other...I don't think they really have to pretend, but it did get two great smiles!
I don't know where Cocoa Puff learned how to make silly faces, do you?
Getting this photo was like pulling some teeth...T is just like his Daddy and doesn't like having his photo taken...sheesh!
Aunt D with the girls...love this one!
We are done...y'all come back now ya hear?