In April, we went strawberry picking with the C Family...T, G, M and W. The kiddos had a great time and so did the adults :-)
This girl is the sweetest funniest girl! And don't you love her pose?
You picked a good one!
Wow! The goal for picking was "The redder the better"
"Ha haha Ha! I wear my Daddy out!"
"Can I help you?"
Just having a conversation...
What a group :-)
Waiting for the Mommies to finish looking in the frilly pink store...
Making faces after eating yummy cookies
Entertaining accordian player
One night in May, we met the C family along with the A family at The Salt Lick. Pretty stinkin' good BBQ! And we had a great time.
Cap'N Crunch and N waiting for our table....
Our table is ready!
A very quiet table...everyone was focused on dessert
In May, we we invited to a pool party for a little boy in Olivia's class. She has some great school friends.
For Easter, I co-hosted an Easter Egg Hunt with H for our MOPS group.
Have you ever seen a cuter way to "Stop and smell the jasmine"?
My cheerio is very into dressing herself these days....that's all I have to say.
" don't really think I am going to go to sleep, do you?"
And a May trip to the zoo with these cute friends!
I could not resist this cheeky shot...this one will go in the file labeled Photos for Later!
And a sad last playdate with this cute fella...his family is moving :-(
Before swimming, we had a pool wash...similar to a car wash! The kids had so much fun they didn't even know they were working :-)
Just add water for fun!
What do you get when you add water to dirt? Fun of course...and two dirty girls ;-)
We have many more great friends...unfortunately I do not take photos everywhere, all the time. I will have more "Fun with Friends" posts in the future.