I was wishing for an August visitor and I got a very awesome one....my little brother, Uncle S (cereal name pending). Uncle S was the perfect visitor for August...we had a great time. Let's see if I can remember what we did....
My Mom and Mommom brought him to us and spent the night. It was a nice visit...although short.
We went swimming in the river....
This one was taken on the way TO the river...we had already tuckered Uncle S and Cheerio out!
Wide awake and being silly - as usual!
Blurry photo, but still pretty...
Super cute Uncle S :-) Don't you LOVE that smile?
It's a little cold.
And then my camera wouldn't work for a few days. Grrr. It's been tempermental. (It is also getting ready to go to the camera graveyard.)
We spent Friday with my good friend Ana and her boys, C, L, and P at Landa Park. We played on the playground, had a picnic and spent the afternoon at the water park. (No photos) But let me tell you that so much fun was had. Cocoa Pufff and Cheerio were ecstatic Uncle S was with us! Fun, fun day :-)
Friday night, Uncle S made dinner for us...a pleasant surprise. We had Heavenly Artichoke Chicken with noodles and veggies. It was yummy, fast and easy to clean up! After dinner, we went to Crocodile Gap to play miniature golf and race go-carts. The golf part was so-so...the course was poorly maintained and the girls are not quite old enough to play. But the go-cart racing was really fun! Uncle S and I raced and raced! I had so much fun.
On Saturday, we took the crew to storytime then drove Uncle S to meet Mom and Aunt M. My camera started working again and thank goodness because I would have a hard time telling you about the next part without photos...
Oh, yes a flat tire....no big deal. Cap'N Crunch changes it while I take photos. Fun for me...not so much for him.
Not a fan of spiders...especially HUGE ones. It was bigger than my hand (I have been known to exaggerate....but I really think it was bigger than my hand)
Getting hot, but still happy
Country Road...isn't it great?
Cap'N Crunch was smart enough to find a big 'ole tree to park under....man alive it was a hot day!
Even the cows are under a tree.
Clear, blue sky...
More beauty
This was the other end of the road
Tire changed...off we go.
Not so fast! The spare came off the rim. Seriously? Not funny, not funny at all....except I could not stop laughing. Cap'N Crunch did not find the humor in the situation until much later.
So we had to put the original tire that was all caddywampus back on. Only it couldn't go on the front because it made the van all wobbly. So we had to switch it around. Did I mention that the jack we had was a piece of poop? Long, funny story short...it all worked out.
This is Uncle S and me after we helped swap the tires around. Uncle S and I now know (kind of) how to change a tire :-) I did not dare take a photo of Cap'N Crunch...he was in a very sour mood.
Are you ready for the really funny part?
On the way back to the highway (remember Cap'N Crunch drove to look for a shady tree) we found a tire repair shop - hee hee hee! Tire fixed for about $30. Teaching Fruit Loop and Uncle S how to change a tire...priceless :-)
Uncle S - we had a great time with you....see you soon. Love you!

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