I'm frustrated because I have been without a computer for over two weeks. I didn't post for two weeks before that because Cap'N Crunches parents were in town (amazing visit...but more on that later). Some of you were worried that I was too busy cleaning...okay just one person, Halley, but that's so not the case. Thanks for the concern Halley...love you!
I have three hundred and ninety-two ideas for posts that I have wanted to post...but without a computer it's pretty impossible. And I suppose I could have gone the the library...but I'm not on speaking terms with the library right now (who knew that they like to charge late fees when you don't turn books and stuff in on time - sheesh!)
So, I just wanted to post quickly, while the computer is working...don't get too excited - it could "break" tomorrow, but hopefully it won't and I will be able to get caught up...as overwhelming as that is.
I have really missed my blogging....a much needed stress reliever.
Just in case you have forgotten what my cereal looks like...here are a few photos.