So, since I'm not busy or anything, I thought I would start my own little blog - I've been having fun reading other people's for several months now. Being so far from family and friends, I don't get to share my funny stories very often. Because when I do call or email, I forget all the everyday silly things that happen in our house. Now, I have a notebook to write my thoughts and the girlies funny moments down in. Plus, the idea of a creative outlet, just for me, is a great thing. Hopefully you'll enjoy it too.
The other day Cocoa Puff, our 3 year old, was in the bathtub when she handed me a teacup and said, "Would you like some tea, my dear?" I almost fell off the top of the potty (I wasn't going or anything, just sitting, watching). More and more funny things are coming out of her little mouth. Just like my new nickname - "Momsy." Where do they come up with this stuff? I love it though.
Cheerio, the 11 1/2 month old, is, as Captain Crunch says, almost walking. Not quite sure how I feel about this yet....I'll let you know when it happens. And yes, I do realize her birthday is in two weeks. But I have decided to postpone her birthday...can I do that? She'll never know, right? Unless you tell her...surely you are not going to tell her. I do have a reason - or two - for postponing it. I am a procrastinator, number one; I am waiting on a recipe from a certain Aunt who is withholding said recipe until we move home, number two; and number three...I am a procrastinator. It's not like she's not going to have a party.
Obsession: Cereal. I love cereal. I love eating it, buying it, looking at it, storing it in my pantry, shopping for it, munching on it, thinking about it, blogging about it...I could go on. But if I go on much more, certainly the men with the white jacket would arrive at my door. One more thing - I could eat cereal for breakfast lunch and dinner and even snacks. I have even nicknamed my family with cereal names for my blog. If you know their real names, please use the nicknames on the blog...Thanks!
Confession: I really do love cereal. (You thought I was going to tell you something else didn't you? hee hee I still love cereal!) Maybe next time I will tell you something more serious.
Since I want to have pictures on this post, I did what any Momsy would do - I went into Cocoa Puff's and Cheerio's rooms and took pictures...I didn't wake them up or anything. Well, Cocoa Puff almost woke up...just enough to put Skipit over her head to protect her from the flash.
Cheerio sleeps in every inch of her bed!
Cocoa Puff...what a cutie!

Thanks for reading. Leave a comment - you know, if you would like to.